
Peanut is back. The latest Android version is stable and gives me more time to spend with my family. When I have time, I can work on bugfixes and features. Many thanks for all your friendly emails!!

The Peanut project allows HAM radio enthusiasts to communicate with other amateurs worldwide using an Android device, network radio, or Windows PC. It supports several digital voice systems, including D-Star, Fusion, DMR, and M17. Peanut is completely free and exclusively for licensed HAM radio operators.

Supported hardware

  • Any Android device running Android 9.x or higher.
  • Any Windows 10 or 11 machine 
  • Mac, iPhone, iPad

Supported OS

  • Android 9.x or higher.
  • Windows 10 and higher 
  • iOS 18 and MacOS 15


  • To access all DPLUS rooms (those starting with “REF”), you need to be US Trust registered (optional).
  • To view and use DMR rooms, ensure you are a registered DMR user (optional).
  • A Peanut code is required to join the Peanut network, ensuring only licensed amateur radio operators can use the app.

To verify your US Trust and DMR registrations, please visit the Call Lookup page.:

Click here if you want a CODE to login to the peanut system : peanut-request

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  • There are local rooms like SPANISH, DUTCH, ENGLISH, JAPANESE, KOREAN etc. These rooms are in HD quality.
  • The ROOMS starting with REF, XRF and XLX are connected via remote AMBEServers to D-Star reflectors.
  • The ROOMS starting with DMR, TGF,  FRE and HBL are connected via remote AMBEServers to DMR masters
  • The ROOMS starting with YSF are connected via remote AMBEServers to YSF Fusion reflectors

List of rooms on the Global master:​
List of room on the Japanese master:


Currently there are three masters. 

GLOBAL: This is the biggest server with the most users.
JAPAN: The is the master located in Japan. This master is managed by Yoshi JH1TWX.
TEST: This is my development master where I test the new master versions and client software.


Android :

Windows :

MacOS: Download

iOS ( iPhone/iPad ): Download

Most frequently asked questions peanut-qa

Instruction videos

Android version

Windows (Older version)


Peanut also offers specific rooms dedicated to SSTV (Slow Scan Television) transmissions, allowing users to share images digitally via the app. It is really fun!



You can see who is online via the peanut dashboard :



The transcoding between Peanut and D-STAR, DMR, and Fusion networks is facilitated by DVSI AMBE3000 chips. If you’re an administrator of a reflector or master and wish to connect your system to Peanut, please refer to the following link for detailed instructions:

Solution that need AMBEServer on a Raspberry PI with an AMBEServer running:

NWDR ThumbDV :
DVMEGA DVStick30 :
DVMEGA globetrotter :


If you are new to DSTAR/DMR or Fusion, the peanut project will give you a first impression to the world of digital HAM radio. The Peanut project will provide some reflectors but not all. If you want to make the next step, check out these nice ICOM radio’s ( ICOM ). If you do not have a local repeater, you can run your own hotspot ( DVMega, ZUMspot or MMDVM_HS) at home.

You can purchase your own AMBE3000 device, such as ThumbDV or DVStick30, to access all D-STAR, DMR, Fusion, and NXDN reflectors while using your speaker and microphone. This setup enables seamless integration with digital modes using your equipment. Additionally, you can explore my other project software for enhanced functionality.: bluedv

Things to know

  • Peanut for Android/Windows is using port 6667 UDP to the internet. it is NOT needed to open ports  from the internet to peanut device.
  • Do not use Peanut to interlink or bridge other systems! 
  • Peanut is beta. Use it at your own risk.
  • It is not allowed to login with your own build client! Only the clients made by PA7LIM and  LW6EMN are allowed.
  • There is no iPhone/iPad version of Peanut. ( update nov 2024. I am working on a beta version ) 
  • Do not drive and Peanut. Always watch the road!!
  • The Android app does not work in the background.
  • You can also use Peanut on Windows with an DVAP. ( You can use the DVAP as a analog hotspot )
  • I am not a company! I write code when I return from work and mostly at night.
  • F0 calls can only listen due French regulations.
  • You can request a local room for your club here.
  • D-Star/DMR/Fusion reflector admins can add their reflector when they have an AMBE3000 server with ThumbDV or DVStick30. see:

Sometimes I post some new things or updates in the Peanut facebook group:

A special thanks to Yoshi JH1TWX and Andre PD1AEU for dedicating so much time to testing and managing the project. Their efforts allow me to focus more on developing and working on several other projects.

Keep in mind.. I am writing this software for fun and have no commercial intentions. Peanut is only for licensed HAM amateurs!

Have fun experimenting!

David PA7LIM

Support the Peanut project by making a donation. Your contributions keep the servers running—and help keep me awake at night with coffee during those late-night development sessions!