SSH button for android

Today i deployed a new android application called SSH button.

With the SSH button application you can send ssh commands to linux hosts via a button on your android device.
Simply create a new button and add the command you want to sent to the linux device.

You can specify per button:
– Label ( e.g. reboot raspberry or start application )
– Command to sent ( e.g. sudo reboot or sudo service httpd restart)
– ip adres or hostname
– username
– password
– ssh port

You can download this via the google play store.

Get it on Google Play

See what Maximilian Rottenkolber made using this app! 🙂


Control your FT-897 with a python script

Tonight I was wandering if there was a way to control my Yaesu FT-897D with a python script from my Windows machine.. You can also do this from your Linux machine of course ( than use /dev/ttyUSB0 )..

My Yaesu FT-897D was connected to the COM5 of my windows 7 machine.

Keep in mind that you have to downloaded and installed the pySerial. ( pip install pyserial )

The code:

[sourcecode language=”python” wraplines=”false” collapse=”false”]
import serial
import struct
# By David PD7L
# Example to control your Yaesu FT-897
ser = serial.Serial(
# Put the yaesu FT-897 on freq 439.700
data = struct.pack(‘BBBBB’, 0x43, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01)
# Read ack from the yaesu
s =

DSTAR arduino shield ( DVMEGA )

Yes! The new Dstar arduino shield ( DVMEGA ) has arrived ( dec 2013 )!!

The Shield must be placed on an Arduino Mega or Arduino UNO ( not included ). The DVMega has more functionality than the red dongle and it is much cheaper!! You can use the DVMega shield for 2M and 70CM!!
The DVMega is fully supported with the Jonathan G4KLX Software so you can set the frequency of the DVMega within dstarrepeater module.

DVMega on Arduino MEGA 2560

DVMega on the Arduino UNO

See for more information. You can buy this shield for around 85,– euro ( around 120 dollar ) at .

I was one of the first beta testers of the DVMEGA and I am VERY happy with it!!

This device works also great with the ircDDB remote for android :

Ideal configuration:

  • Raspberry PI model B
  • Raspberry Power supply 5V 1A ( use a stable one!! Else it will destroy your SD-card )
  • 4GB or 8GB SD-card class 10 ( 16 GB will not work  )
  • Arduino UNO ( can be a clone ) ( )
  • DVmega ( or )
  • Antenna SMA-Male 144/430Mhz ( Is not included with the DVMega )
  • SMA-male to SMA-Female 90ºC Adaptor ( nice! )
  • Ethernet cable and USB cable( short one )
  • Software image ( )

You can also expand this configuration with an WIFI usb adapter so you can connect it to a smartphone with internet and use it portable. Ideal to use it in the car or on vacation.

The DVMega is also running great with an intel Linux or Windows 7/8 machine running the Jonathan G4KLX software.

There is now a single band ( 70cm ) DVMEGA shield available to put directly on your Raspberry PI model B!!!

It’s also possible to order the DVmega in the UK:
On this site you can order a complete configuration of the DVmega. Antenna, DVMega, Arduino UNO, cables, pre-loaded software..

For more information and questions there is a forum at :
You can also find information at yahoo groups at :

They also sell cases for the DVmega.. Prise.. ?? ( review ?)


My Case.. Design by PD7A


Many thanks to PE1PLM who created this DVMega arduino shield!!

David PD7L

SSTV op de 2 en 70 cm in Utrecht

Sinds een paar maanden heb ik weer contact met Herman ( PD7HAC ) gaf mij de tip om eens naar de volgende site te kijken. ( denk er aan dat er soms ook dubieuze  plaatjes op staan…)

Heb mijn linux machine weer aan geslingerd en qsstv 7.1.7 geïnstalleerd. ( denk er aan dat je wel deze versie installeerd anders werkt je geluidskaart niet. ) Mijn geluidskaart aangesloten op mijn Kenwood set en deze op de 144.500Mhz gezet. Plaatje kiezen en zenden maar… En zie hier het resultaat op de site. Zie mijn plaatje aan de linker kant.


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Gezien ik de laatste tijd wel enorm veel projectjes doe in de HAM radio shack, lijkt het mij wel handig om dit eens bij te houden.. Eens kijken hoe lang ik dit vol hou..