WOW! Two articles in the FUNK Amateur about my projects!

Cafecast Interview with Milton WP3MH on the peaunt app.

Peanut University – Install Peanut

BlueDV and Peanut on Amateurlogic TV

Experimenting with Peanut on Samsung Gear.

Did some experiments with Tizen ( operating system Samsung ) and Peanut. The Peanut application runs natively on the Watch, no phone needed. I having a lot of issues with the sound code. Sometimes the soundbuffer is filled an the device completely hangs.. Maybe I will continue when a new Tizen version comes out and all bugs are solved.

New ZUM radio stick

Wow! Today I received the new ZUM radio! What a nice device! The size is equal to a ThumbDV/DVStick30 or an USB stick. The device comes in a nice box and antenna is included. In the upcoming days I will test the device with BlueDV Windows.

Upcoming Peanut version for Windows

Upcoming Peanut Windows version works with your soundcard. Will be available soon. ( hope before 15 feb 2019 )

BlueDV on AmateurLogic TV

JARL Ham Fair 2018

I want to thank the Japanese reflector lovers club for inviting us to their booth! It was an amazing experience!

Tokyo HAM Fair 2018 booth J-31

Tokyo HAM Fair 25st and 26st august 2018.

Come and visit the XRF reflector club, Guus PE1PLM ( DVMEGA ) and  David PA7LIM ( BlueDV ) at the Tokyo HAM fair at booth nr J-31 ( XRF reflector club ) .

JARL Tokyo HAM Fair