AMBEServer 3003 for Linux

This software converts an AMBE3003 to three AMBE3000 AMBEServers.

Install the latest Raspbian on a Raspberry PI 3 (or higher).

  • This software does not convert one AMBE3000 to three AMBE3000!!
  • The AMBEServer3003 software is free but without support!! ( You can report bugs )
  • Make sure you have a origional raspberry power supply.
  • Only start with this installation if you have knowledge of Linux
  • There is also a Windows 10 version available for this software
  • Do not install the graphical version of Raspbian. This gives a lot of overhead
  • Make sure you installed the latest version of Raspbian (bookworm) that runs Java version 17
  • Change the default pi and root user password!!
  • Do not forget to extend the disk partition in the raspi-config after installation of Debian

Download the AMBEServer3003 install script

wget -O /tmp/

Install the AMBEServer3003 software

sudo bash /tmp/ 

Configure AMBEServer3003

Edit the configuration file.


The default port for the AMBE3003 stick is /dev/ttyUSB0 when no other devices are connected to the computer.

Make sure you add the [SECURITY} line at the end!!!

# Never enable debug logging!

Start the AMBEServer3003

#To start the AMBEServer3003
systemctl start AMBEServer3003

#To enable AMBEServer3003 at boot
systemctl enable AMBEServer3003

Have fun !!
David PA7LIM