
What do you need to add your DSTAR ( DEXTRA/DPLUS ), DMR plus/TGIF/HBLink reflector( brandmeister DMR is not supported ) or Fusion YSF reflector to peanut.

  • Install a Raspberry PI ( 3 or higher) with raspbian
  • Connect an AMBE3000 stick, such as the DVStick30 or ThumbDV ( I do not allow illegal/fake chips or software encoders!! )
  • I do NOT allow software encoders!! MD380 lib, libMBE or other emulators are illegal.
  • Install the AMBEServer software ( make sure the AMBEServer survive a reboot )
  • Open port 2460 UDP ( or other port ) on your firewall towards your raspberry PI
  • Make sure the reflector admin has given you permission to link Peanut to their reflector!!!
  • Make sure the AMBEServer and Reflector are behind a static public IP!! ( very important!! )


  • Monitor Your AMBEServer: Always check your AMBEServer status on the Peanut dashboard. If your AMBEServer is unreachable for 10 days, the system will automatically disable the link.
  • Room Naming Guidelines: Follow the room name convention here:
  • A Raspberry Pi is not suitable for running a Fusion, D-STAR, or DMR reflector.
  • AMBEServer Setup Guide: Follow the installation guide here:
  • Static IP Requirement: Ensure both the AMBEServer and Reflector are behind a static public IP.
  • No Dynamic DNS Support: DynDNS and other dynamic DNS services are not supported!


Description of the reflectorThis reflector is for HAM club XYZ
Hostname of the Raspberry
Port of the AMBEServer2460
Hostname of the DSTAR
Reflector name/mod ( DPLUS/DEXTRA )XLX707B
Admin nameDavid PA7LIM
Country ( 2 letter )NL
Make room on masterGlobal

For DMR plus, HBLink or TGIF. ( Only timeslot 2 )

Description of the reflectorThis is reflector 1234 for HAM club XYZ
Hostname of the Raspberry PI
Port of the AMBEServer 2460
Hostname of the DMR
DMR master passwordpassw0rd
DMR master port55555
Reflector or TalkgroupTalkgroup
Reflector/Talkgroup number4445 ( < 99999 )
Admin nameDavid PA7LIM
Admin email
Country ( 2 letter )NL
Make room on masterGlobal

For Fusion ( YSF )

Room name ( max 8 chars, must start with YSF )YSFSPAIN
Description of the reflectorThis is reflector 1234 for HAM club XYZ
Hostname of the Raspberry PI ( AMBEServer )
Port of the AMBEServer 2460
Hostname of the YSF
Port of the YSF Reflector42000
Admin nameDavid PA7LIM
Admin email
Country ( 2 letter )NL
Make room on masterGlobal

After you sent me the information, I will add your AMBEServer to the master. You will receive an email when the reflector is added.


David PA7LIM