The 6 channel USB AMBE transcoder Kickstarter has started!
The 6 channel AMBE transcoder is an ideal solution for the transcoding between DMR, DSTAR and Fusion.
What does it do.
It transcodes DSTAR to DMR, DMR to DSTAR, DSTAR to Fusion, Fusion to DMR… etc..
So when you are talking on DSTAR you can talk with people on DMR or Fusion on the same reflector. The 6 channel AMBE transcoder converts the voice between the modes.
Where can I use it for?
The XLX reflector software already supports the AMBE transcoding. You only need an AMBE transcoder to convert between the digital modes. The AMBE transcoder has to be connected to the XLX reflector. You only need one AMBE transcoder per XLX reflector. Please inform your XLX admin of this Kickstarter project. Or you can help to support the project.
Take a look at the Kickstarter here.